Industry Patent Quality Charter


IP Business Academy | June 25, 2024

Ensuring Patent Quality for Sustainable Innovation: A Conference Report

Industry Patent Quality Charter | June 14, 2024

Conference on Patent Quality


JUVE Patent | February 28, 2024

EPO staff petition Administrative Council to improve HR and patent quality


Frankfurter Rundschau | February 12, 2024

Europäisches Patentamt verweigert sich


Managing IP | February 08, 2024

EPO staff vote through resolution urging quality control


Central Staff Committee EPO | January 19, 2024

50 years EPC – The EPO ignoring the skilled person


IP.appify Blog | January 12, 2024

Some general considerations about the results in 2023 of appeals after opposition procedures at the EPO

Qthena Insights Report | December, 2023

Patent Quality and Examination Efficiency at the EPO: An Objective Analysis by ipQuants AG

Kluwer Patent Blog | November 24, 2023

Beat Weibel: Low quality patents harm European industry


Managing IP | November 09, 2023

IPQC founder seeks political backing after EPO no-show


FPC REVIEW | July 26, 2023

Productivity vs Quality at the EPO: A rare glimpse behind the curtain that’s worrying

Kluwer Patent Blog | July 5, 2023

Deteriorating patent quality: EPO under fire, management is not impressed

RedaktionNetzwerkDeutschland | March 28, 2023

Zoff um das Europäische Patentamt: Wird die Prüfung zunehmend nachlässig?

IAM | March 10, 2023

EPO staff endorse industry patent quality complaints

Managing IP | March 3, 2023

Exclusive: EPO under fire from staff reps amid IPQC criticisms

JUVE Patent | February 21, 2023

EPO and IPQC reach impasse in patent quality discussion

Kluwer Patent Blog | February 11, 2023

Concerns about deteriorating patent quality at the EPO

Managing IP | December 8, 2022

Focus on quality over quantity, in-house urge EPO

JUVE Patent | October 12, 2022

Dissatisfied industry users push back against EPO quality measures